Friends of International Rose Test Garden
The rose garden is a living laboratory that connects people to roses!
About the Friends of the International Rose Test Garden
The Friends of Washington Park’s International Rose Test Garden is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EID 85-2892999.
Our mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the International Rose Test Garden.
The Friends recruit and support hundreds of garden volunteers who contribute their time and expertise deadheading, leading tours, and answering questions of garden visitors. The Friends assist in increasing public awareness of the garden and support efforts to maintain and improve the garden. We work in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation.
Portland’s internationally acclaimed and approachable Rose Garden inspires, educates, and awes.
The International Rose Test Garden Mission:
When is a good time to visit the garden?
The rose garden is a magical place to visit year round. In early spring, the rose bushes are flush with new growth and a promise of the rose bloom to come. The rhododendrons, azaleas, hellebores, and other spring flowering shrubbery are putting on a show. Rose bushes are sending out buds.
Late May sees the rose buds showing more and more color until the first bloom of the season opens. The rose bloom then begin is earnest with a first peak mid June. Roses bloom all summer but the second major flush is in August.
Roses are blooming until early November when a fall pruning takes the bushes down to waist height, putting the garden to bed for the winter. Early February, the entire garden receives a spring pruning with all canes cut down to 18-24.”
Visiting the Rose Garden - no entry fee!
The International Rose Test Garden is located in Washington Park, west and above downtown Portland, Oregon. Parking can be challenging in WA Park. Visitors are encouraged to take TriMet MAX Light Rail to Washington Park stop. Starting in April, the free WA Park shuttle runs through the park each weekend and from May through September, the free shuttle runs seven days a week and stops at the rose garden. Visit Explore Washington Park for further information!
Thank You for your support
Donations are used exclusively to maintain and enhance the WA Park International Rose Test Garden. The Friends of IRTG are a 501c3 charitable organization and your donations are tax-deductible. Click the button to make a donation via PayPal. If you would prefer to send a check, post it to our mailing address: Friends of IRTG, 850 SW Rose Garden Way, Portland, OR 97205.